Do you have stubborn fat?

All that working out just doesn’t get rid of it?

Newport Aesthetics offers a range of options for body contouring procedures designed to uplift and enhance the way you look, feel, and function. Permanently eliminate stubborn fat from your chin to your, tummy to your knees! Yes, the fat loss is final. Tighten your skin from head (think under your eyes – THE hardest area to treat currently) to toe including that loose skin in your triceps. You ask, we will deliver. We do it all this with the state-of-the-art equipment and breakthroughs in medical beauty industry in beautiful Newport Beach, California for fabulous you. Less invasive and often less expensive, our body contouring procedures are smarter, more convenient alternatives to surgical procedures and other high-risk treatments.

At Newport Aesthetics, we believe in goodness inside and out. We have permanently eliminated excess fat from the most stubborn areas, softened cellulite and deep-seated wrinkles, detoxed and improved organ function, helped manage stress, outlined roadmaps for healthier and more rewarding lifestyles, enhanced overall health, supercharged the body, and transformed ‘weary’ to ‘wow,’ all without invasive liposuction, plastic surgery, or even touching a single surgical instrument – alright, just small pokes with Botox-sized needles (for KYBELLA® only).

Body Contouring

Does it really work?

Our body contouring treatments are not just fads or tech-gimmicks. They are real, proven procedures (scientific studies, peer-reviewed studies, not just white papers) that actually work and that have been fully cleared by the FDA. If you are pressed for time and cannot work on your physique as much as you would like to, or if you want to complement your health and beauty regimen with smart, easy solutions, look no more! Newport Aesthetics’ body contouring procedures can make you feel on the top of the world, without any of the effort (we won’t tell if you have one cheat day – LOL).

Aren’t you glad you live in an age of exciting medical body contouring breakthroughs? We sure do! We have mastered the ins and outs of medical beauty and hand-selected the best treatments so you can get everything you need under one gorgeous roof.

Ready to contour your life?



KYBELLA is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells where it is injected. Small needles the size of ones used for Botox are injected into the desired area under no anesthesia. You leave the office in less than an hour ready for a new slimmer profile!


SculpSure is a breakthrough in non-invasive body contouring that treats bothersome areas of fat, helping you achieve the shape you want. This FDA-cleared 25-minute procedure uses laser technology to permanently destroy up to 24% of treated fat in problem areas (such as the abdomen and love handles) per treatment session. Maximum 4 treatment sessions per day per client (you can’t have all the fun!)



Pellevé is a non-invasive wrinkle reduction system. It uses RadioFrequency (RF) technology to heat deep layers of the skin, stimulating the production of new collagen in the face, including the skin around the eyes (one of the hardest areas to treat with anything available out there). Zero downtime! You begin to feel the benefit of body contouring instantly. A celebrity favorite (and secret) before they walk the red carpet!

PelleFirm is a sister treatment to Pellevé reserved for body applications. It uses the same radiofrequency technology. The most request treatment we perform is in the triceps area!


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